Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chamber 6 Ch. 5

Cameras flashed from every direction. My vision became temporarily distorted. I closed my eyes to take in a deep breath before plunging forward with the major topic of discussion. They all wanted to know what will happen to Dr. Berkley's research program and how it will progress if it doesn't get shut down. The paparazzi looked on anxiously awaiting the words to part my lips. "Ladies and gentlemen, I know what you must be thinking. How can the university fund research for the study of cell regeneration if the leading scientist remains in a coma? Well, I have talked it over with the university's heads and we have come to an agreement. I will take over my husband's research being that I was his lab assistant. It is true that I am still in the process of obtaining my doctorate but I can assure you I know more about this project than anyone else. Only I would know where his research was headed for. Also, I am inclined to mention that the CDC will not be involved in any way or affecting the study despite them being my current employer. I would also like to mention that since I have leagal authorization over my husband's well being during this travesty, I will be admitting him into the program as the very first human case study. If you would like anymore information, please forward your questions to the Dean of Arts and Science or my lawyer.", I replied with much strain in my voice. I couldn't bear it really, to be gwaked at by all those strangers. I left their mumblings and grumblings with a leap from the podium's steps and sprinted to the car garage for familiarity and safety. Once I belted myself in the passenger's seat, I texted my mother instantly awaiting her heroic arrival to drive me back to the cabin. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to doze off in the car.

I awoke to the sound of the car screeching to a halt. I peered through my squeezed eyelids to see my mother smiling back at me. "We're back sweet heart. Go change out of those clothes into something more comfortable while I make you some lunch." coaxed my loving mother. I nodded in response and headed toward my bedroom like a zombie. The bed was too big for me. There was so much space. I hated looking at it. The damn thing seemed to mock my loneliness. I kicked it regretfully because it left me with a throbbing pain on my right toe. I hobbled while cursing to my dresser. I pulled off the suit and panty hose letting them fall in disarray on the floor. I chose a blue fleece pajama set in my suit case next to the dresser. It tugged it on happily and then plopped onto the bed making a faux snow angel atop the comforter. Staring at the wooden ceiling gave my mind the opportunity to wander once more. This time it was the cherished moment of when Johnathon first told me he loved me. It was a spring day and we had just gotten back to his place from school. We planned to unwind from classes by fixing lunch then vegging out with the PS3. Our favorite game to play was Street Fighter. Occasionally he'd let me win but whenever it was over a bet the game became a brutal life or death situation. He challenged me again. "If you win this game, I will tell you a secret I've been holding in." he teased while pinching my face. "You're so on!" I jeered in response. I think he let me win on purpose. I tackled him to the bed pinning his hands on either side of his face then nibbled his ear. "So, tell me...what's this secrete you've been hiding from me?" I asked in a slightly threatening manner. He just smiled up at me and petted my had as if I were his pet cat Lucifer. I wrinkled my nose in response. Johnathon held up his left hand after pulling it from my grip and made a come hithter gesture. I leaned in closer until I could feel his hot breath on my neck. "I love you." he whispered. I sat up abruptly, slightly surprised by this answer and unsure of what to say next. I wasn't ready to say those words back yet so I decided to distract/reward his efforts. I smiled in return. "You know what comes next don't you?" I chuckled, while pulling up my shirt. He grinned that wonderful grin of his. I smiled remembering that beautiful moment as if it were yesterday.

The smell of my mother's wonderful cooking.The aroma of my mother's homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese dispelled the anguish in my heart for now. Like a cartoon character I followed the fragant smell to its source and sat down at the kitchen table. My mother could make magic in the kitchen and serve edible earnest love that would change your mood instantly with one bite. I admired her cooking skills that I sadly never inherited. It seemed like forever since I laid eyes on her majestic work. She glided across the kitchen adding spices and veggies as if she had lived there all her life. Within in minutes she was serving me a bowl of her fragrant concoction.  It brought back childhood memories of when she would nurse me back to health. I smiled thoughtfully and enjoyed the time I had left with my mother before she left for work. The isolation in the cabin brought me comfort and despair.

The uncomfortable silence had me longing for my lover once more. I cried myself to sleep with the sound of the wooden fan lulling my conscience. It wasn't long before I heard a loud knock on the door. I peered at the window from under my covers. Reluctantly I got up and waltzed towards the loud repetitious knocking. I cracked the door open slightly just in case I needed to slam it back in place. The only visitor I wanted was my mom. My rock. My fortress of solitude and adoration. "Christine, it's just me okay. I know you don't want any visitors but I just wanted to check on you. Here, I brought your favorite sweets..." coaxed Daniel from behind the door. I swung it open and held out my hand for the bag of goodies. He smiled back at me and held it above my head just out of my reach. Damn him and my height challenged conundrum. "Ah uh have to let me in first." he winked at me. I pouted and stepped aside for him to come through. Daniel walked over to the kitchen table and set the bag down then patted me on the head. I held my arms up like a little sister wanting her big brother to pick her up. Daniel picked me up in his arms and carried me to the couch before dropping me down on the cushions. He wasn't my real brother but he was Johnathon's best friend and always treated me like a step sister. "You're so spoiled, you know that? I'm only indulging you for now until things...get back to normal..." he trailed off while browsing things around the house. "I know...Thank you Dan. So, did you see my interview on the tv this morning?" I asked, while curling up on the couch. "I did. So how do you expect to go through with it all? You're going to have one hell of a battle." he asked with a skeptical look in his green eyes peering through strands of red orange bangs. "Oh, the press will be easy enough. I'll let the lawyers handle them." I sniffed with a wave. "Not the press dear...his parents and the college board of directors?" he retorted with an air of superiority. "Oh...well I'm sure they'll understand once I explain things more thoroughly. Johnathon was explicit in his notes and his research is sure to work. I just know it. I know he would approve of my decisions. He would do the same if the situation was reversed." I debated earnestly.

Out of every living man on the planet, I admired Johnathon's research the most. He was always sincere in his efforts and dedicated to his work. Many cosmetic conglomerates offered him funding for his research in exchange for helping them develop better products but he refused to sell out. I would honor his hard work the same way and keep it thriving whatever the cost. "Christine....Christine...hey, there zombie bear..." cooed Daniel, bringing me out of the maze that was my mind. "Oh..sorry..just lost in thought there for a moment. Would you like some tea or coffee?" I replied abruptly, raising from my seat. "It's okay, I got it. No need to strain yourself." chuckled Daniel. I blew a raspberry at him as he walked off to the kitchen. Leaning back into the leather sofa, I began to speculate my next move. What was I going to do without Johnathon at my side? I gazed at my ring finger and at the engraving on the outside of the band. Sweeter than honey, brighter than the sun, You will always be my only one. My eyes welled with salty memories as I read it in my head. Damn him and his romantic gift for poetic verse. My smile cracked as I felt my composure loosening. Daniel heard the building sobs in the living room and rushed to my side. "Are you okay? What's up?" he gently inquired while cupping my face in his large hands. I held my hand up for him to see my ring. "Oh, that bastard. He is cunning isn't he? Always knew how to bring girls to tears." he laughed halfheartedly. He sat down beside me and began to recall memories of Johnathon in his younger days. Listening to the comical stories helped me calm down. Before I knew it, hours had passed. Apparently I fell asleep on Daniel's lap and he was knocked out as well. I slowly and easily removed myself from Daniel and fetched him a blanket before he could stir. I tip toed back to my room afterward to keep from disturbing his careless snoring ensemble. 

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