Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chamber 6 CH. 2

I spent thirteen hours staring at Jonathon's dried blood on my once white heels in the waiting room of Memorial Hospital. My big toe on my left foot was visible from my peep toe shoe and had curdled blood just beneath the nail and embedded on the sides. He lost so much blood was all I could think about. Family members hovered over me offering coffee and comfort but I partook of neither. I could barely swallow saliva much less a sip of bitter flavored water.
Salt water began to fill my eyelids once more and blur my vision. My ears grew deaf to the bustling sounds of the waiting room. My mind was lost to my own existence absorbed in the memory of my beloved's smiling face when we first met in biology 101 at Baylor University. His dimples illuminating the creases in his tan cheeks and highlighting his gorgeous green eyes.
I remembered the way his laugh could warm and give life frostbiten souls. We would debate constantly on hypothetical scenarios and movies. Our favorite thing to do between classes and our hectic part time jobs was to watch anime and read manga. His favorite was bleach and mine was Naruto. The fantasies' inspirational quotes stoked the fires of our youthful bond and personal drive to succeed in our respective majors. I remembered how he proposed to me. We dressed up as characters from Bleach attending a three day anime convention called Akon in Dallas, Texas. After a long day of events and shopping on the second day, I prepared to change out of the black kimono of my costume. He surprised me with a zipped up garment on a hanger in his left hand. "What is it?" I asked suspiciously. I assumed it was something risque he wanted me to cosplay behind closed doors. But I was wrong. It was the moon princess dress from my favorite anime Sailor Moon. He told me to put it on and meet him downstairs at the anime rave. I did my make up and put on the wig that accompanied the lovely white and gold dress. I posed for fans outside the rave while waiting for him but he didn't show up. I walked in alone to see if he arrived before me. The ballroom was full of cosplayers, mostly nekkos and risky glowing garments. Suddenly I felt hands reach around my waist swaying me to the music. "I'm sorry sir but I'm already taken." I replied while removing the unfamiliar gloved hands from my waist. "Taken by no other than me I should hope?" replied the lips at my ear. I spun around to see Johnathon decked out gloriously in a Tuxedo Mask costume. He knelt down in the middle of the crowd at my feet. People all around us paused their dancing to watch his proposal. The large crowd we attracted caught the dj's attention and he kindly put the spotlight on us. The light caught the engagement ring on my finger causing it to sparkle brilliantly. That kiss melted the world around us fusing us into one magnificent being.
A tap on my shoulder broke my concentration of that magnificent memory and brought me back to my horrid reality. The doctor standing before me was going to inform me of my beloved's well being but I wasn't sure if I was ready to hear it yet. I placed both hands over my ears and shook my head violently. The doctor hugged me and peeled my fingers away whispering, "Calm down, he's alive. He's alive. He hasn't woken up yet but you can see him."

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