Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chamber 6 CH. 3

I sat in a green polyethylene sofa chair next to Johnathon's hospital bed. His heart monitor chimed with a steady beat. Clutching his wire infused hand, I closed my eyes to rest. My mind wandered to the past again. Our first date was at a college costume party. I was dressed as Cinderella and he was Batman for the evening. He had shown up with his med student buddies and they were all dressed up as their favorite super heros. My Tinkerbell friend set me up on a blind date with Batman. She knew I loved the tall, dark, and handsome type but the first thought that came to mind was that maybe she took it a little too seriously. I sipped anxiously on the vodka cranberry in my Solo red cup as he sat down next to me and Tinkerbell. She pinched me on the elbow and gave me a wink as she got up from the sunken couch to give me and Batman some privacy. "Elizabeth wait..." I called out, but she managed to slip through the jostling crowd of costumed dancers and was gone. " do you know Elizabeth?" asked Johnathon, while he adjusted his faux Batman pecks. "She's my college room mate and BFF. How do you know her?" I asked sheepishly, staring down at my twinkling bedazzled ballet flats that acted as my faux glass slippers. "She's dating my best friend. There he is over there in the Iron Man costume." he smiled under his black Batman cowl. Sure enough Iron Man was easy to spot being that he was being held upside down chugging beer from a nearby keg. Elizabeth laid down on the pool table adjusting her Tinkerbell skirt so that Iron Man could lick the salt off her navel while he downed a shot of Patron 1800 tequila. I shook my head in disapproval. I knew those pictures would haunt her in the morning on Facebook once someone tagged her in them. Her little sister was a Facebook friend and would freak out if she saw them and probably use them later for blackmail. I returned my attention to Batman and searched for something to talk about with him. I noticed his cup so in a desperate attempt to make small talk I asked, "What are you drinking tonight Mr. Dark Knight?" He smiled and lowered the cup for my viewing curiosity. "It's just gingerale. I don't drink. I don't really dance well either. Would you mind if we left this crazy scene and watch a movie?" he replied while scratching at his leather cowl. "Um, sure. Where should we go?" I asked excitedly, curious about his taste in movies. "We could go upstairs to my dorm room if you don't mind. I'd like to change out of this itchy costume." he laughed heartily. "Sounds good. What movies do you have?" I asked while following him upstairs through the crowded common space. My memory of those careful steps to his dorm room reminded me of the song Stairway to Heaven. It was the beginning of a sweet commitment that I would cherish deep in my heart forever. The bond we shared over movies would establish the foundation of friendship that would later blossom into closeness and flower into passion.

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