Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chamber 6 CH. 6

Three months have passed since Johnathon's escape from death. I visited him regularly after the first week of mental break downs. I've been more calm since then treating the breakdowns as a necessary process in my evolution. Sometimes you have to breakdown before you can break through to new heights of discovery. I am evolving and adapting to this new world of chaos I've found myself in. Every week I find myself in court fighting Johnathon's parents over his existence. Every month I'm contending against colleagues and the college board of directors on the validity of Johnathon's research. Every day I'm pouring over his notes. Every hour I'm fighting the urge to be with him at his hospital bed. Every minute I fight the urge to cry. And every second I'm fighting myself to go on living. My fervor to find the missing links in Johnathon's research and save his life is stronger than ever. I've never been so determined in my life. When I'm stuck on something, I take a break by keeping up with the latest discoveries in the news while I sip on green tea and honey. I wouldn't know what to do without Daniel at my side assisting me in the laboratory every day. I wish I could offer him more money so he could quit his other jobs. He works as a high school biology teacher in the mornings for two classes a day. In the afternoons he works in the lab with me. Evenings he is consumed in his own research for his graduate studies paid for by the university. He is studying plant hybrids. But his underlying reasoning is to discover a way to apply the durability of plants' resilience against the sun to the human epidermis. The hidden link between him and Johnathon.
Some may call it "playing God" but i prefer to look at it as being heroic for the sake of humanity and intelligence is our super power. My lab coat is my costume, caffeine is my sidekick, and sleep is my kryptonite. Today's evil villain is a court date scheduled at 9am. I peel the pages of Jonathon's research notes off my face and wipe the string of drool connecting my lower lip to the blurred ink on the paper. Scratching my disheveled head of tangled hair, I slowly crawl across my living room floor weaving between the patterns of books and paper scattered everywhere. Once I reach the messy  bathroom my phone goes off in the living room vibrating to the sound of I've Got You Under My Skin by Frank Sinatra. It was the last ringtone Jonathon setup on my phone before his accident. I ignored the call favoring a hot shower above all else. I quickly washed the grime from my face and prepared my battle attire for court: simple black shoes, black panty hose, black lace dress, black lace gloves,  black hat with black lace veil, dark grey eye shadow, a string of pearls, a set of pearl stud earrings, pale pink lipstick, and a black lace thong since the dress was considerably tight around my assets. I picked up my cell phone which revealed a missed call from my mother and one from my lawyer Alistair Silver Stone. A hardened man with one goal in life: winning. Winning at everything from competitions over the Jury's heart, the heart of a good woman and a place in her bed. He won't take no for an answer. Now he's not a brute but a determined charmer. He is easy on the eyes with a sultry voice that could make you melt into his chocolate brown eyes and sway to the beat of his own drum forgetting you ever had an instrument to play a tune. But I wasn't one of his conquests. He kept business separate from his personal life. I was thankful for his pure attention but couldn't help but roll my eyes whenever he flirted with our waitress at every meeting. I scoffed at the voice mail he left me. He wants to meet for coffee before my appeal to the jury. He advised to leave the makeup off for a better sympathetic effect on the jury. I don't like being told what to do except by my husband when we're alone. I practically beg for his assertion. I needed him now more than ever. I sighed remembering his fixated gaze and concentration as he delegated tasks in his lab coat. Kissing his image locked on my phone screen, I headed out the front door with brief case in hand prepared to go to war. 
The café Alistair picked this time was a block away from the courthouse. Tucked away in an alley between an old abandoned shoe repair shop that would never mend the lives of sole-less customers and a ragged apartment.
I feel like I'm watching a movie; a bystander watching events unfold on their own while always waiting for something exciting to happen. Why is the heroine so boring just standing there? Why doesn't she just break into a run down the alley? Who's that man waving at her from the yellow foggy windowsill above the shoe repair shop? I breathe out slowly and begin to step forward. Puddles of an unidentifiable stench assault my nostrils. I avoid them by way of acrobatic careful leaps with my short legs while covering my nose with my left hand. Flesh doesn't effectively block smell but it can cause you to suffocate. I think it's just a normal flawed comfort response for humans or at least me if I'm the only one who uses their hands to protect their senses from intangible forces. "What are you doing? Just walk normal and get up here quickly. There's something you have to try while it's still hot." smiled Alistair from the second floor window above an open metal door within the alleyway. "That's easier said then done Daddy Long Legs." I snort with derision. I manage to safely make it through the narrow passage way. I can see a narrow death defying wooden staircase. There are a couple missing wooden steps in the middle, worn cracks on all of them, and half of them have missing chunks of wood and splinters. Fucking Alistair...I'm picking the next location for our weekly meeting. I take another consoling breath before mounting the rickety stairway. Once I reach the top of the dimly lit stairs I turn the corner sharply into a curtain of aqua beads one after another. There were so many beads that I felt like I was swimming though an aerial dangling kiddie ball pit. It was at least seven feet worth of hallway encompassed by aqua beads. I emerged into a candle lit room greeted by a lovely blonde hostess dressed in sari. The room looked like it was decorated by a backpacker's recent visit from India with no real cultural association whatsoever. It encompassed many like sari pieces from each region in India displayed behind glass frames mounted on the walls. A shelf of various sized hookah with a corresponding shelf of tobacco flavors confined in ceramic elephant shaped jars.  "Welcome to Hidden Treasures cafe! My name is Pearl. Please remove your shoes on the tatami mat before sitting. Where would you like to sit and what color pillows would you like to sit on?" asked the blonde hostess. I removed my heels and allowed her to place them on wooden shoe rack. "It's okay, I'm joining someone and it looks like he already has my place set for me." I brushed her off slightly irritated learning there weren't any chairs to sit in.The way Alistair had his legs and feet bent so awkwardly by tiny round table on the floor made me giggle in spite of myself. Alistair just smiled back pleased to see that I finally made it. "Here, you must try this delicious tea Pearl made. It smells like lavender and jasmine but tastes like nectar of the gods!" he exclaimed with robust infatuation. I looked back at him with obvious annoyance but  I sighed and  took the cup to my lips. I watched him watching the blonde hostess dance around the room from guest to guest catering to their needs. Yep, this was the real reason why we were here. "Ass." I muttered at his direction. "Yes...she does have one doesn't she?" he smirked back at me. "Really now?" I retorted. "You know it's my weakness when it comes to women..." he trailed off while sipping his tea and eye-fucking Pearl's voluptuous body. The longer he stared at her the madder I got. I watched his shoulders tense up suddenly. I could tell like when a cat preparing to pounce that Alistair was about to make his move on her. "Excuse me for a moment, I need to use the restroom..." he replied nonchalantly. "I'm sure there won't be any rest in that room." I spouted back, disapproving of his antics. I only kept him as my lawyer because of his reputation for getting his way. He never lost a case in the last twenty years. Alistair just knew how to persuade people with his silver tongue. I watched him gently take Pearl aside into the hallway and vanish within the beads. I rolled my eyes and eyed the plate of baba ganoush and naan bread. I tore a piece of bread pleasantly surprised by the unexpected steam guaranteeing it was fresh. I proceeded to dip the warm piece into the grey creamy eggplant dip and enjoy the mixture nearly melting on my tongue. The minutes passed so slowly it seemed. Soon I had devoured the entire plate naan bread and the dip. The pot of tea was half way gone and fifteen minutes have gone by. Why isn't he done yet? I just want to get this over with already were my thoughts as I reached for my phone to browse Facebook. It was strangely quiet despite the few lounging guests relaxing with their hookahs billowing sweet fragrances throughout the room. Several minutes passed while I clutched my phone for distraction purposes. The soft jingling sound of beads jolted my attention to the hostess emerging with reddened face as if she ran a marathon followed by Alistair straightening the tie around his neck. "Thank you miss for showing me around so I wouldn't lose my way." he belted from across the room to her as he sat beside me. "You already have Alistair. When will you settle down Alistair?" I asked annoyed. "Is that an invitation Christine?" he smiled coyly. "If my heart wasn't already taken I still wouldn't be with the likes of you. I'm not attracted to pretty playboys such as you?" I snorted. "Oh, so you prefer ugly playboys then?" he smiled egging me on. He knew how to press my buttons. "I don't associate with playboys of any kind. I'm a sapiosexual if you must know." I replied against my better judgement because the conversation was getting heated and going no where. "Does that mean you go both ways?" he laughed. "No, it means I'm attracted to intelligence." he responded through gritted teeth. "So you do go both ways. Interesting...well I have you know I did graduate at the top of my class from Harvard so I'm no push over. You're lucky I don't mix business with pleasure...even if you're the hottest woman on the planet. You are first and foremost a client. I have a code and man without a code to live by...well is just an animal isn't he?" he chuckled winking at me. My face betrayed me with warm blush at his opinion of me which in turn invited his grin. "Whatever can we get on with it already? What's the status of my case so far?" I pleaded exasperated by his indulgences. Alistair turned his whole body toward, straightened his suit, bore his line of sight straight through me like a focused laser beam. This is what I call his lawyer mode. "Have you found the document that I requested of you last week to solidify this case?" he asked without blinking. I sighed and pushed pressed the yellow envelope firmly in his hand. "I would rather not use it if at all possible. I'm hoping his best friend can obtain the one from our wedding day. We made a promise to each other for a clean slate. I'd rather not dig up the past and cause more pain for everyone involved this. Please try to make this short and sweet. They're still my in-laws after all no matter how angry they are at me I know they still love me." my voice resounded almost hollow. "Love can bring out the worst in others especially over a child. Don't forget they are fighting you not the other way around so always be on your guard even when you're grieving." those words of Alistair's reverberated in my mind through the day and the long nights ahead of me.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chamber 6 Ch. 5

Cameras flashed from every direction. My vision became temporarily distorted. I closed my eyes to take in a deep breath before plunging forward with the major topic of discussion. They all wanted to know what will happen to Dr. Berkley's research program and how it will progress if it doesn't get shut down. The paparazzi looked on anxiously awaiting the words to part my lips. "Ladies and gentlemen, I know what you must be thinking. How can the university fund research for the study of cell regeneration if the leading scientist remains in a coma? Well, I have talked it over with the university's heads and we have come to an agreement. I will take over my husband's research being that I was his lab assistant. It is true that I am still in the process of obtaining my doctorate but I can assure you I know more about this project than anyone else. Only I would know where his research was headed for. Also, I am inclined to mention that the CDC will not be involved in any way or affecting the study despite them being my current employer. I would also like to mention that since I have leagal authorization over my husband's well being during this travesty, I will be admitting him into the program as the very first human case study. If you would like anymore information, please forward your questions to the Dean of Arts and Science or my lawyer.", I replied with much strain in my voice. I couldn't bear it really, to be gwaked at by all those strangers. I left their mumblings and grumblings with a leap from the podium's steps and sprinted to the car garage for familiarity and safety. Once I belted myself in the passenger's seat, I texted my mother instantly awaiting her heroic arrival to drive me back to the cabin. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to doze off in the car.

I awoke to the sound of the car screeching to a halt. I peered through my squeezed eyelids to see my mother smiling back at me. "We're back sweet heart. Go change out of those clothes into something more comfortable while I make you some lunch." coaxed my loving mother. I nodded in response and headed toward my bedroom like a zombie. The bed was too big for me. There was so much space. I hated looking at it. The damn thing seemed to mock my loneliness. I kicked it regretfully because it left me with a throbbing pain on my right toe. I hobbled while cursing to my dresser. I pulled off the suit and panty hose letting them fall in disarray on the floor. I chose a blue fleece pajama set in my suit case next to the dresser. It tugged it on happily and then plopped onto the bed making a faux snow angel atop the comforter. Staring at the wooden ceiling gave my mind the opportunity to wander once more. This time it was the cherished moment of when Johnathon first told me he loved me. It was a spring day and we had just gotten back to his place from school. We planned to unwind from classes by fixing lunch then vegging out with the PS3. Our favorite game to play was Street Fighter. Occasionally he'd let me win but whenever it was over a bet the game became a brutal life or death situation. He challenged me again. "If you win this game, I will tell you a secret I've been holding in." he teased while pinching my face. "You're so on!" I jeered in response. I think he let me win on purpose. I tackled him to the bed pinning his hands on either side of his face then nibbled his ear. "So, tell me...what's this secrete you've been hiding from me?" I asked in a slightly threatening manner. He just smiled up at me and petted my had as if I were his pet cat Lucifer. I wrinkled my nose in response. Johnathon held up his left hand after pulling it from my grip and made a come hithter gesture. I leaned in closer until I could feel his hot breath on my neck. "I love you." he whispered. I sat up abruptly, slightly surprised by this answer and unsure of what to say next. I wasn't ready to say those words back yet so I decided to distract/reward his efforts. I smiled in return. "You know what comes next don't you?" I chuckled, while pulling up my shirt. He grinned that wonderful grin of his. I smiled remembering that beautiful moment as if it were yesterday.

The smell of my mother's wonderful cooking.The aroma of my mother's homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese dispelled the anguish in my heart for now. Like a cartoon character I followed the fragant smell to its source and sat down at the kitchen table. My mother could make magic in the kitchen and serve edible earnest love that would change your mood instantly with one bite. I admired her cooking skills that I sadly never inherited. It seemed like forever since I laid eyes on her majestic work. She glided across the kitchen adding spices and veggies as if she had lived there all her life. Within in minutes she was serving me a bowl of her fragrant concoction.  It brought back childhood memories of when she would nurse me back to health. I smiled thoughtfully and enjoyed the time I had left with my mother before she left for work. The isolation in the cabin brought me comfort and despair.

The uncomfortable silence had me longing for my lover once more. I cried myself to sleep with the sound of the wooden fan lulling my conscience. It wasn't long before I heard a loud knock on the door. I peered at the window from under my covers. Reluctantly I got up and waltzed towards the loud repetitious knocking. I cracked the door open slightly just in case I needed to slam it back in place. The only visitor I wanted was my mom. My rock. My fortress of solitude and adoration. "Christine, it's just me okay. I know you don't want any visitors but I just wanted to check on you. Here, I brought your favorite sweets..." coaxed Daniel from behind the door. I swung it open and held out my hand for the bag of goodies. He smiled back at me and held it above my head just out of my reach. Damn him and my height challenged conundrum. "Ah uh have to let me in first." he winked at me. I pouted and stepped aside for him to come through. Daniel walked over to the kitchen table and set the bag down then patted me on the head. I held my arms up like a little sister wanting her big brother to pick her up. Daniel picked me up in his arms and carried me to the couch before dropping me down on the cushions. He wasn't my real brother but he was Johnathon's best friend and always treated me like a step sister. "You're so spoiled, you know that? I'm only indulging you for now until things...get back to normal..." he trailed off while browsing things around the house. "I know...Thank you Dan. So, did you see my interview on the tv this morning?" I asked, while curling up on the couch. "I did. So how do you expect to go through with it all? You're going to have one hell of a battle." he asked with a skeptical look in his green eyes peering through strands of red orange bangs. "Oh, the press will be easy enough. I'll let the lawyers handle them." I sniffed with a wave. "Not the press dear...his parents and the college board of directors?" he retorted with an air of superiority. "Oh...well I'm sure they'll understand once I explain things more thoroughly. Johnathon was explicit in his notes and his research is sure to work. I just know it. I know he would approve of my decisions. He would do the same if the situation was reversed." I debated earnestly.

Out of every living man on the planet, I admired Johnathon's research the most. He was always sincere in his efforts and dedicated to his work. Many cosmetic conglomerates offered him funding for his research in exchange for helping them develop better products but he refused to sell out. I would honor his hard work the same way and keep it thriving whatever the cost. "Christine....Christine...hey, there zombie bear..." cooed Daniel, bringing me out of the maze that was my mind. "Oh..sorry..just lost in thought there for a moment. Would you like some tea or coffee?" I replied abruptly, raising from my seat. "It's okay, I got it. No need to strain yourself." chuckled Daniel. I blew a raspberry at him as he walked off to the kitchen. Leaning back into the leather sofa, I began to speculate my next move. What was I going to do without Johnathon at my side? I gazed at my ring finger and at the engraving on the outside of the band. Sweeter than honey, brighter than the sun, You will always be my only one. My eyes welled with salty memories as I read it in my head. Damn him and his romantic gift for poetic verse. My smile cracked as I felt my composure loosening. Daniel heard the building sobs in the living room and rushed to my side. "Are you okay? What's up?" he gently inquired while cupping my face in his large hands. I held my hand up for him to see my ring. "Oh, that bastard. He is cunning isn't he? Always knew how to bring girls to tears." he laughed halfheartedly. He sat down beside me and began to recall memories of Johnathon in his younger days. Listening to the comical stories helped me calm down. Before I knew it, hours had passed. Apparently I fell asleep on Daniel's lap and he was knocked out as well. I slowly and easily removed myself from Daniel and fetched him a blanket before he could stir. I tip toed back to my room afterward to keep from disturbing his careless snoring ensemble. 

There's a silver lining in that open cage you call your mind
Free the thoughts within
Explore emotional hymns
Take flight to the tips of irregularity
Taste the sin of indifference

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Your feverish rendition
For which I tried to listen
Released my inhibitions
Left the taste of your religion
Sullied by my faltering edition
Causing the omission
Of futuristic goals.

Hide or Seek

Pink poison of choice
Collapses your voice
You try to hide at the bottom the glass
Because your attitude is so crass
But it's not a solution
Merely a substitution
Sweet melody please come to me
Forget all your woes and people you owe
I'll comfort your soul.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Chamber 6 CH. 4

I stood silently in the shower of Johnathon's family's lakeside cabin that we were supposed to be using for our honeymoon. Tilting my head back, I savored the steaming water pouring over my flesh, running down my blood stained dress, and seeping into my blood splattered white satin shoes. The running mascara irritated my eyelids with a burning sensation numbed by the pain deep within my soul. These precious seconds alone in the bathroom allowed me to thoroughly process everything that recently transpired.

I felt the coils of hair that held my bun loosen and give way to the pounding water. In that very moment I screamed with all might. I sobbed so hard underneath the shower so my tears wouldn't inflate my eyelids too much. I had an interview with the press in the morning to talk about my husband's near death experience and his genius mind lost to the world by an immeasurable coma. Not that I cared much for my image but my face would plastered everywhere on television, newspapers, and the internet. My wedding dress weighed down by hot water began to slide down my heaving bosom. I pushed it the bottom of the tub and slowly stepped out of it. I ripped out the stockings and garter belt to sooth my anguish. The shoes that would never be clean, I threw them out the bathroom window. I turned the water off and just sat in the wretched tub of ruined garments. I didn't move for a long time as I zoned out to yet another memory of Johnathon. I caressed my lips remembering his strong endearing kisses. I ran my fingers down my neck thinking of the marks he used to leave when we had to part for longer than thirty minutes. I remembered his tight hugs as I clutched my shoulders. I ran my hands across my thighs remembering the way they used to straddle his waist as I tickled him into submission before losing myself in his arms. I heaved more sobs and collapsed in the tub straightening my limbs fully while staring blankly at the wooden bathroom ceiling. I couldn't believe my reality. I didn't want to to believe. I don't know how or when but I slept that night in the tub. When I awoke, I could hear someone knocking on the locked door of my bathroom. "Sweetie, are you alright? It's Mom. Please answer me. Don't do anything stupid, alright? I'm here for you and I love you very much. Why is this door fucking locked?! There's no need for you to end up in the hospital too." yelled my mother through the wooden door. I tried to reply but my voice was too raspy for her to hear me. "What? Did you say something? Oh, god please be okay. I'm ramming this mother fucking door so stand back alright?!" yelled back my mother to my raspy sounds. TAP! THUNK! BOOM! CRASH! My mother kicked the door open with her heavy lead-like muscle bound right leg anchored by a steel-toe boot. My mother worked construction and often wore tom boy styles which complimented her physique. Heaving hard she bolstered to my side and sighed with relief to not see any bloody injuries on my cold naked body. "It's okay hun. We're going to get you warmed up and dressed. I made you a hot breakfast and then we'll head to station for your interview. Whatever you're not comfortable with you can just say 'No Comment' alright?" my mother replied encouragingly while hugging my limp form. The hot water helped me feel a little better. I lost myself in childhood memories as she combed through the knots in my hair.

Chamber 6 CH. 3

I sat in a green polyethylene sofa chair next to Johnathon's hospital bed. His heart monitor chimed with a steady beat. Clutching his wire infused hand, I closed my eyes to rest. My mind wandered to the past again. Our first date was at a college costume party. I was dressed as Cinderella and he was Batman for the evening. He had shown up with his med student buddies and they were all dressed up as their favorite super heros. My Tinkerbell friend set me up on a blind date with Batman. She knew I loved the tall, dark, and handsome type but the first thought that came to mind was that maybe she took it a little too seriously. I sipped anxiously on the vodka cranberry in my Solo red cup as he sat down next to me and Tinkerbell. She pinched me on the elbow and gave me a wink as she got up from the sunken couch to give me and Batman some privacy. "Elizabeth wait..." I called out, but she managed to slip through the jostling crowd of costumed dancers and was gone. " do you know Elizabeth?" asked Johnathon, while he adjusted his faux Batman pecks. "She's my college room mate and BFF. How do you know her?" I asked sheepishly, staring down at my twinkling bedazzled ballet flats that acted as my faux glass slippers. "She's dating my best friend. There he is over there in the Iron Man costume." he smiled under his black Batman cowl. Sure enough Iron Man was easy to spot being that he was being held upside down chugging beer from a nearby keg. Elizabeth laid down on the pool table adjusting her Tinkerbell skirt so that Iron Man could lick the salt off her navel while he downed a shot of Patron 1800 tequila. I shook my head in disapproval. I knew those pictures would haunt her in the morning on Facebook once someone tagged her in them. Her little sister was a Facebook friend and would freak out if she saw them and probably use them later for blackmail. I returned my attention to Batman and searched for something to talk about with him. I noticed his cup so in a desperate attempt to make small talk I asked, "What are you drinking tonight Mr. Dark Knight?" He smiled and lowered the cup for my viewing curiosity. "It's just gingerale. I don't drink. I don't really dance well either. Would you mind if we left this crazy scene and watch a movie?" he replied while scratching at his leather cowl. "Um, sure. Where should we go?" I asked excitedly, curious about his taste in movies. "We could go upstairs to my dorm room if you don't mind. I'd like to change out of this itchy costume." he laughed heartily. "Sounds good. What movies do you have?" I asked while following him upstairs through the crowded common space. My memory of those careful steps to his dorm room reminded me of the song Stairway to Heaven. It was the beginning of a sweet commitment that I would cherish deep in my heart forever. The bond we shared over movies would establish the foundation of friendship that would later blossom into closeness and flower into passion.

Chamber 6 CH. 2

I spent thirteen hours staring at Jonathon's dried blood on my once white heels in the waiting room of Memorial Hospital. My big toe on my left foot was visible from my peep toe shoe and had curdled blood just beneath the nail and embedded on the sides. He lost so much blood was all I could think about. Family members hovered over me offering coffee and comfort but I partook of neither. I could barely swallow saliva much less a sip of bitter flavored water.
Salt water began to fill my eyelids once more and blur my vision. My ears grew deaf to the bustling sounds of the waiting room. My mind was lost to my own existence absorbed in the memory of my beloved's smiling face when we first met in biology 101 at Baylor University. His dimples illuminating the creases in his tan cheeks and highlighting his gorgeous green eyes.
I remembered the way his laugh could warm and give life frostbiten souls. We would debate constantly on hypothetical scenarios and movies. Our favorite thing to do between classes and our hectic part time jobs was to watch anime and read manga. His favorite was bleach and mine was Naruto. The fantasies' inspirational quotes stoked the fires of our youthful bond and personal drive to succeed in our respective majors. I remembered how he proposed to me. We dressed up as characters from Bleach attending a three day anime convention called Akon in Dallas, Texas. After a long day of events and shopping on the second day, I prepared to change out of the black kimono of my costume. He surprised me with a zipped up garment on a hanger in his left hand. "What is it?" I asked suspiciously. I assumed it was something risque he wanted me to cosplay behind closed doors. But I was wrong. It was the moon princess dress from my favorite anime Sailor Moon. He told me to put it on and meet him downstairs at the anime rave. I did my make up and put on the wig that accompanied the lovely white and gold dress. I posed for fans outside the rave while waiting for him but he didn't show up. I walked in alone to see if he arrived before me. The ballroom was full of cosplayers, mostly nekkos and risky glowing garments. Suddenly I felt hands reach around my waist swaying me to the music. "I'm sorry sir but I'm already taken." I replied while removing the unfamiliar gloved hands from my waist. "Taken by no other than me I should hope?" replied the lips at my ear. I spun around to see Johnathon decked out gloriously in a Tuxedo Mask costume. He knelt down in the middle of the crowd at my feet. People all around us paused their dancing to watch his proposal. The large crowd we attracted caught the dj's attention and he kindly put the spotlight on us. The light caught the engagement ring on my finger causing it to sparkle brilliantly. That kiss melted the world around us fusing us into one magnificent being.
A tap on my shoulder broke my concentration of that magnificent memory and brought me back to my horrid reality. The doctor standing before me was going to inform me of my beloved's well being but I wasn't sure if I was ready to hear it yet. I placed both hands over my ears and shook my head violently. The doctor hugged me and peeled my fingers away whispering, "Calm down, he's alive. He's alive. He hasn't woken up yet but you can see him."