Monday, September 30, 2013

Connections: short story one

Orange, pink, and azure hues lined the horizon. An elderly pair sat on an aging green wooden bench watching the sentimental sunset. The older man reached into a white paper bag and pulled out pieces of old bread. His hand shook a bit when he offered his slightly younger female companion a piece. She smiled gratefully stretching out the memory lines that framed her pale face lined with silver curls. Pinching a small piece, she tossed it into the rustling pond. A colorful gander intercepted the floating piece and consumed it excitedly. "You look lovely in that coat especially with how the light catches your hair." smiled the older gentleman. "Flattery will get you anywhere sir." She winked back at him. "Really now? Then why won't you remarry me?" He chuckled with an air of earnesty. "I don't quite know. People do crazy things when they are in love." she replied while grasping his time worn hand. She intertwined her gloved fingers with his. She reminisced with that hand, her favorite hand. Oh the stories it could tell if someone were to listen. "How so?" He replied with both thick eyebrows raised nearly touching his peppery hairline. "I wished for you once. I tossed a coin into a water fountain at a hotel I was visiting. Didn't I tell you?" She grinned. "No you didn't. Well not that I can long ago was it?" He asked thoughtfully. "Oh, we were young then. It was before you sucked the life out of me. I was so happy to be with you that it felt so unreal or undeserved. So, after some time passed I visited another old fountain and dumped the entire contents of my coin purse into the water wishing for your happiness instead. When we fell apart I took it as a sign that it worked and that you'd never be happy with me tied to your future." She responded nonchalantly while rubbing her thumb on his thumb. "'re so silly. I've never stopped loving you. Not for a second, I just went along with what I thought you wanted. I just wanted you to be happy." His eyes wrinkled shut as he squeezed her hand tighter. She turned her head to face him and placed her free hand gently on his cheek to cup his soft worn face. "That didn't stop you from seeing those harlets." She chuckled. "But I digress . We are a couple of old fools aren't we? This year on my birthday I wished for my own happiness." She added returning his squeeze. "I'm only human love. Humans get lonely. I am a fool, a fool for you. And are you happy?" He asked leaning closer. "Yes and no." She whispered. "Then what would make you happy?" He answered back. "This..." she answered with a kiss. A few kids passed by jeering, "Ewwww...look at them old people kissing! Gross!" The old couple laughed, remembering how they used to do the same thing when they were kids. "Let's give em' a show Love." He replied groping his companion. "You only live once!" She returned his affections passionately. The kids squealed and ran off into the dark. A beautiful full moon illuminated their unsurpassed  love to the world.

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