Monday, September 30, 2013


Chapped lips seeking out a thirst that can't be quenched
A fruitless endeavor
A trifling whim
Yet still you continue to fight the hints
Forever longing a new start to begin

Connections: Short Story Two

"You're usual Sir?" asked the middle-aged waitress with curly ruby hair, sapphire cotton dress, and starched pearly white apron trimmed by lace. Her emerald eyes accentuated by navy eyeshadow, navy eyeliner, and jet black thick mascara that smudged in the corners of her eyes probably from crying or sweat. "Yes ma'am. How are you Miss Stacy?" He replied sweetly to the waitress. "I'm okay. Just avoiding another day of r&r. The norm." She winked while busing a nearby table. "You mean oppressed, kinky, and yearning?" chuckled a short black haired girl wearing a white tank top and thigh high cut off jean shorts with red high tops. Stacy carefully folded her drying rag into the left pocket of her apron. "That's not lady-like Sherry." glowered Stacy. She regained her composure and smiled innocently for her regular customer. "Sorry about that Mike. She's new and young. These kids these days...geeze what is wrong with this generation huh? I'll be right out with your usual real quick." she apologized embarrassed by her twenty two year old coworker. "No need to apologize. I like the friendly atmosphere here." smiled Mike, clutching his grey pant leg of his new dark gray suit that complimented his dark thickly parted hair. He watched her glide across the diner with ease refilling coffee cups on her way to put in his usual order. Mike ordered the same thing every day at the same time in the same seat. Ever since his first visit he couldn't help but see her again. He fell in love with Stacy's beautiful smile but he couldn't bring himself to ask her out. He was content with the less awkward small talk. Stacy appeared from the kitchen with a tray of food. A cup of tea with honey, Belgian waffles with honey, and hashbrowns. She set the dishes carefully in front of him along with a bottle of smoked Tabasco and Ketchup. He thanked like he usually did. He scarfed the food quickly, feeding his nervous appetite. He stacked his plates awaiting Stacy's return. Stacy caught his glance and walked over to him with his bill in hand. When she looked down at the messy plate, she chuckled and shook her head agreeing to his request. In thick red ketchup letters, the plate asked, "Will you be my Valentine Miss Stacy?"

Connections: short story one

Orange, pink, and azure hues lined the horizon. An elderly pair sat on an aging green wooden bench watching the sentimental sunset. The older man reached into a white paper bag and pulled out pieces of old bread. His hand shook a bit when he offered his slightly younger female companion a piece. She smiled gratefully stretching out the memory lines that framed her pale face lined with silver curls. Pinching a small piece, she tossed it into the rustling pond. A colorful gander intercepted the floating piece and consumed it excitedly. "You look lovely in that coat especially with how the light catches your hair." smiled the older gentleman. "Flattery will get you anywhere sir." She winked back at him. "Really now? Then why won't you remarry me?" He chuckled with an air of earnesty. "I don't quite know. People do crazy things when they are in love." she replied while grasping his time worn hand. She intertwined her gloved fingers with his. She reminisced with that hand, her favorite hand. Oh the stories it could tell if someone were to listen. "How so?" He replied with both thick eyebrows raised nearly touching his peppery hairline. "I wished for you once. I tossed a coin into a water fountain at a hotel I was visiting. Didn't I tell you?" She grinned. "No you didn't. Well not that I can long ago was it?" He asked thoughtfully. "Oh, we were young then. It was before you sucked the life out of me. I was so happy to be with you that it felt so unreal or undeserved. So, after some time passed I visited another old fountain and dumped the entire contents of my coin purse into the water wishing for your happiness instead. When we fell apart I took it as a sign that it worked and that you'd never be happy with me tied to your future." She responded nonchalantly while rubbing her thumb on his thumb. "'re so silly. I've never stopped loving you. Not for a second, I just went along with what I thought you wanted. I just wanted you to be happy." His eyes wrinkled shut as he squeezed her hand tighter. She turned her head to face him and placed her free hand gently on his cheek to cup his soft worn face. "That didn't stop you from seeing those harlets." She chuckled. "But I digress . We are a couple of old fools aren't we? This year on my birthday I wished for my own happiness." She added returning his squeeze. "I'm only human love. Humans get lonely. I am a fool, a fool for you. And are you happy?" He asked leaning closer. "Yes and no." She whispered. "Then what would make you happy?" He answered back. "This..." she answered with a kiss. A few kids passed by jeering, "Ewwww...look at them old people kissing! Gross!" The old couple laughed, remembering how they used to do the same thing when they were kids. "Let's give em' a show Love." He replied groping his companion. "You only live once!" She returned his affections passionately. The kids squealed and ran off into the dark. A beautiful full moon illuminated their unsurpassed  love to the world.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mind Askew

Every burning second unanswered
Waiting for an end or a beginning
Never stopping
Always wanting
You can feel it in your throbbing veins
Awakening meddlesome thoughts within
Seeking comforting whims
Forgetting no one wins
You continue your inward spiral
Afflicting innocents near your pain
So you wallow in your shame

Friday, September 27, 2013

Chamber 6 CH. 1

I gazed into the mirror at the magnificent creature before me. It had my dark brown eyes, my peculiar eye brows, the barely noticeable freckle by the right corner of my lower lip, but I recognized nothing else. The flawless complexion preconceived by the layers of high end make-up completely erased my trade mark acne scars and blotchy pigment. Once curly strands of hair now settle smoothly in a bun on top of my head with a lace veil pinned in place. Jonathan Berkley was going to marry this unfamiliar face. Well maybe it won't be so bad to be my mother's doll for one last night I smiled to myself, winking before I left the modest chapel's dressing room with a large bouquet of magnolias.  My grandfather waited for me at the open door that was flooding the hall with whimsical sounds. "Ready to go Peanut?" He mumbled. A man of few words but his sentiment was never lost to me. I could feel the reservations mixed with adoration and protection ebbing from his stance. I felt honored and overjoyed that he agreed to walk me down the aisle. I wouldn't have it any other way. I nodded my head to answer his question and to avoid getting choked up fearing the life span of my non-water proof makeup.  I peeked around the corner to scan the crowd before resting my eyes on Johnathon's figure hugging his best man. I chuckled, relieved that Sam was able to make it on time. Grandfather looped his arm around mine and signalled the band to play my song Rule The World by Take That. The perfect song for the perfect celestial themed wedding and matching wedding dress which was a sapphire blue with led-embedded crystals sewn on in constellation patterns. The gorgeous night sky showcased the delicate glass architecture of the ceiling. Romantic candlelight guided my ceremonial path which luckily enough ended at Jonathon's side under the moonlight allowing my dress to shine with brilliance and cast sparkling light across the room. Giving me away was probably the hardest thing my grandfather ever had to do. Jonathon grasped me tightly once my grandfather released his grip. Jonathon winked at him knowingly before helping me up the stairs. We faced each other, our eyes bore into one another's soul as if attempting a Star Trek Volkan mind meld. The priest was merely background noise to our intense selfish passion. A couple taps on his shoulder by the priest reminded Jonathon to commence his loving vows. Sam handed him an acoustic guitar so that he may sing to me in his native tongue for which he would later translate in English for my side of the family. He placed the white gold ring on my finger. The band felt slightly cool against my caramel skin. I held his ring firmly in my hand as I struggled not to cry during my vows. Placing the ring on his finger gave way to relief from stress and pent up energy. The priest asked the audience for any objections. I smiled excitedly. "Unfortunately, I do. I object to this arrangement. This man stole my wife!" roared a voice from the back of the chapel. Before I could lay my eyes on the accuser, a thundering echo erupted through the chapel. Ralph Stalin sneered with accomplishment and fled through the chapel doors carrying a large shot gun. Jonathon collapsed at my feet. Frozen in the moment, my reality morphed into a silent motion picture. I could see the crowd of family and friends scattering in various directions. Some fled after the heartless villain, others shielded each other, our closet family members darted towards me and Jonathon but my mind failed to translate their words if they were screaming or not I couldn't tell. I was temporarily deaf to the world. Forgetting their faces, I took in the sight of my beloved's crumpled form resting on my white peep-toed shoes which were now covered in beads of ruby red and saliva. I lost myself in their unusual color. What was I suppose to do again? This shade of red filled my sight until an unearthly sound broke through my mental barrier. I could hear but now I couldn't see. A heavy force pummeled me and I could feel my body falling backwards. Something soft and firm cushioned my head. I bit my lip and tightened my eye lids. When I opened my eyes I could see my grandfather's face hovering over me. Each and every crease and wrinkle was visible. The stubble on his square chin reminded me of the times he used to tickle my neck with it when I was little. The tickle monster. "Get up! You have to get up! We have to go!" belted my exasperated grandfather. "But why?" I utter while he managed to sit me up. I snap back to my present tragic reality as I witness a paramedic securing a breathing mask over my fiancee's face. He's breathing?! Thank God! I crawl on my hands and knees to his side and kiss Jonathon's face fervently. His eyelids remained closed. "Excuse me ma'am but every second counts. We have to get him into the ambulance now before he bleeds out any further." alerted the paramedic calmly. I watched helplessly as they loaded him into the ambulance. I wanted to go with him but there wasn't enough room with all the equipment he was hooked up to. A police officer promised to escort me behind the ambulance so that I could answer questions about the shooter. But I could only focus on my beloved fighting for his life.


Like a masochistic flame to water,
Dancing on the remnants that fueled our desire,
A fruitless endeavor,
Charred fragments make progress waver,
Yet still time will render
A nicer moment to remember.